servicii complete de inalta calitate

am 28 de ani,blonda 1,70 si 58 kg,ofer clipe de neuitat, oral adanc,sex normal si sex anal in .diferite pozitii,69, finalizare pe fata pe corp,experienta in domeniu erotic,masaje.lucrez la ora pretul fiind de 400 ron ora.,nu am alte tarife,nu negociez,accept si deplasari la hotel.pozele sunt reale,ofer discretie si seriozitate,lucrez singura la locatie.zona iulius mall 0754535839
Hello sweetie,
my name is Pieter and I am in Cluj Napoca for business on Wednesday October 4:-)
I would like to meet you in my hotel for 3 hours starting at 9pm, is that possible for you?
Can you tell me your fee for this date and could you also send me some uncovered pictures so I can see your lovely face:-)
Thanks for your answer,